Even Modest Weight Loss Yields Significant Benefits
Modest weight loss, even without getting down to the ideal weight, will result in health benefits for those who maintain that loss! The Diabetes Prevention Program demonstrated that losing just 5-7 percent (10-14 pounds for a person who weighs 200 pounds) will lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of diabetes, and improve blood sugar and…
Read MoreDo You “Hara Hachi Bu”?
In the 1930s, a Cornell University professor of nutrition, Dr. Clive McCay, confirmed that caloric restriction in rodents extends life expectancy by up to 50%--the equivalent of 150 years in humans!(1) This kind of experiment has now been repeated across many species with similar results. Current studies at the National Institute on Aging show the…
Read MoreA Case for Balance in Body Weight
The media today informs us of the growing epidemic of obesity while at the same time placing great value in the beauty industry of the super-thin model. New research shows lowest death rates in those who are neither obese or super thin.
Read MoreBreakfast: Meal of Champions
Many, many people skip breakfast either because they don't take the time or they believe in the misguided notion that doing so will help them control their weight. Can eating a good breakfast really make a difference in your performance? Here are four reasons to consider:
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