Traumatic Brian Injury in Pro Football Players

Traumatic Brian Injury in Pro Football Players

A small, prospective study of 40 retired National Football League (U.S.) players revealed over 40% had MRI evidence of traumatic brain injury. Additionally,  these individuals experienced significant abnormalities in attention and concentration (42%), in executive functions (50%), and learning/memory issues (44.7%). Excellent resources about sports concussions are available here. PositiveTip:  Growing evidence suggests caution before allowing…

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Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Not So Mild

Mild tramatic brain injuries (TBIs) in children can produce not so mild consequences. Researchers have found that 8-15 year old children with mild TBI experience significantly more headaches, inattention, and forgetfulness during the following year than children with extremity fractures. The risk was highest in those who had lost consciousness. PositiveTip: Children should wear protective head…

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