Does Ginkgo Biloba Prevent Strokes or Heart Attacks?
In a major test of the purported benefits of the herbal supplement ginkgo biloba, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh have reported no benefit of taking 120 mg of G. biloba twice daily. This double-blind, randomly assigned study of more than 3000 participants over 75 years of age found no differences in outcomes between the control or experimental groups…
Read MorePopular Myth: Smokeless Tobacco Not Harmless
The recent growing popularity of smokeless tobacco products has been fueled by popular claims that they are safer than cigarettes. In a new meta-analysis of eleven observational studies researchers looked to see if smokeless tobacco users had elevated risk for heart attacks and stroke. Compared with nonusers, ever-users of these products had significantly elevated risk…
Read MorePrestroke Physical Activity Improves Stroke Recovery
We all know physical activity can reduce our risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. However, new research strongly suggests that physical activity three or more times per week in the year before a stroke significantly increases the likelihood of good outcomes, compared to those who hardly exercised at all. One of the authors, James Meschia, MD…
Read MoreSo Much for So Little
If people would simply start a walking program of at least 30+ minutes of brisk walking daily beginners: start slower, work up, and break it up into 15 minute sessions), they could positively impact their own health. Many research reports show that compared to sedentary persons, those who exercise regularly have a:45% reduced risk of…
Read MoreGood News, Bad News!
Analysis of Americans between 40 and 85 years of age reveals that between 1999 and 2006 the prevalence of hypertension, coronary heart disease and stroke remained stable, but diabetes rose 2%. Significant improvements were found in control of blood pressure, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, and total cholesterol. However, gaps between white and nonwhite patients did…
Read MoreSimple Steps Can Help Prevent Stroke
Relatively modest and easily achievable health behaviors such as exercising regularly and eating lots of fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of stroke. Those who did not smoke, exercised regularly, used alcohol only moderately (1-4 drinks weekly) and consumed lots of fruits and vegetables were at lowest risk for a stroke. Those who had…
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