More on youth development and the 40 Developmental Assets needed by 12 to 18 year olds, as described by the Search Institute.
3) Homework: where teens do at least one hour of homework every school day.
Ask neighbors to share their areas of expertise (computers, math, English arts) in a community list of “Homework Helpers” to distribute to students. Then encourage students to call neighbors when they need specific help.Sit near your children when they’re doing homework and do work of your own: write a letter, pay bills, balance your checkbook, or read work-related material. Continue this routine as teens grow older.
Encourage kids who participate in after-school childcare programs to do at least some of their homework there so that you have more family time in the evenings.
Encourage your children to form study groups with other students when appropriate. Help them outline complex material, and teach them how to read and evaluate arguments with a critical eye.
When your children ask for help, provide guidance (but don’t give them all the answers right away). Remember, children only need to do their best, not your best — and they will gain confidence and certainty if they are guided to find solutions on their own rather than being handed the right answers.