Daily Accountability Helps with Weight Loss

Two girlfriends smiling.Overweight and obese adults often find it difficult to lose weight and keep the pounds off. They need all the help they can get. Past posts in this series reported how Bible study and prayer can be very useful practices in losing weight, in addition to a regular program of diet and exercise.

A Best Weigh weight management program was recently conducted in Crowley, Texas. As part of the program, participants were encouraged to contact Seventh-day Adventist staff members every day to receive help and words of encouragement.

During this 10-week program, the 24 participants contacted Seventh-day Adventist staff members for help a total of 373 times. When the group who attended at least 6 weeks of the program was divided into those who lost at least 10 pounds and those who lost less than 10 pounds there was a significant finding. 

Participants who lost more than 10 pounds contacted Seventh-day Adventist helpers a total of 214 times. Those who lost less than 10 pounds only contacted helpers 56 times.

Success in the process of controlling a person’s weight is increased by regular contact with Seventh-day Adventist helpers who give encouragement and support. This can make the difference between significant weight loss and modest weight loss.

Look for a weight loss program that provides daily contact with Seventh-day Adventist helpers.